• A trigger is a unit of logic embedded in a database.

  • Event driven and triggered when there is an attempt to update the database.

  • A trigger is associated with a specific table and activated when insertions, deletions or updates are requested against rows in that table.

Describe The Three Triggers of Different Database Functions.

• Validating input data. For instance, in terms of an academic database we might use a trigger to check that a lecturer teaches no more than eight modules in an academic session

• Use as alerters. Hence, a trigger might be used to flag to school administrators when a particular module is full.

• Maintaining audit information for database administrators. Triggers might be used by a DBA to record information about updates made to a particular table in the database

• Supporting distribution actions. A trigger may be used to automatically update a desktop system with information from the central student information system at regular intervals


Explain what a stored procedure is.

  • A stored procedure is an autonomous unit of logic embedded in a database.

  • It may be called from another stored procedure or a trigger.

  • It may be called by an external application.